Classes & workshops
“As dancers choose how to transfer their feeling and body wisdom into movement, they are sharing their mind with the audience, and communicating a shared experience as a conversation. My approach recognizes the opinion of each dancer in their movement choices, generating a collaborative process in which the minds of dancers as artists communicate through the art of their bodies. In all classes, my goal is for students to become aware of their own body language and acquire the necessary tools to better understand it and learn from themselves, becoming more open to new possibilities and to researching how to become more specific with formulating movement ideas.” Dai Jian
To inquire about Dai Jian’ classes and workshops, please do not hesitate to contact with us at:
Selected teaching experiences:
Teaching for Schools :
- Bennington College (USA): MFA program and Teaching (2014 – 2016) : Technique, Improvisation and Partnering, Creative Classes
- Conservatoire National Supérieur de Lyon / CNSMD Trisha Brown workshop
- University of California, Berkeley (USA) : Practicum Technique, Modern Technique, Improvisation workshop with performance, Choreography Class
- Beijing Normal University (China) : ReleaseTechnique, Improvisation, Environment Creative
- Arizona State University (USA) : Modern Technique, Creative process, Contact Improvisation
Masterclass and intensive workshop for companies
- Trisha Brown Dance company (New York, USA 2008 to Present)
- Shen Wei Dance Arts (New York, USA 2005 to 2008)
- Guang Dong Modern Dance Company (GuangZhou, China 2013 and 2012)
- Jin Xing Dance Theater (Shanghai, China 2010 and 2004)
Teaching for Festivals and Studios:
- American Danse festival/ ADF (Durham, USA)
- Beijing Dance Festival (Beijing, China)
- Gibney Dance (New york of USA)
- Dance New Amsterdam/DNA (New York of USA)
- Centre National de la Danse/ CND, (Lyon France)